Face Reading

- Measure of facial micro-expressions associated to certain human emotions through 500 facial spots in the human face.
- Facial micro-expressions: Associated to 6 basic and universal emotions (Neutral, Happiness, Sadness, Anger, Surprise, Fear, Disgust and “Contempt”)
- Reaction: positive / negative / neutral attitude of participant
- Excitement: participant’s activity (active vs inactive)
- Facial expression states: open / close eyes, open / close mouth, lowered/neutral/raised eyebrows, etc.
- Head’s position: backwards, to the front, tilted to the right, to the left, etc.

GSR (Galvanic Skin Response)

- Measure the facial micro-expressions associated to certain human emotions through 500 facial spots in the human face.
- Evaluation of skin conductance, but without identifying the direction or response valence (whether positive or negative)
- It also considers the heart frequency measurement

Eye Tracking

- Technology that allows to monitor and record how a person observes a certain object (shelf, ad, concept, packaging, label, image, etc.)
- Eye Tracking is a tool that shows what the eye looks at, the time of visual fixation, the elements of the target they pay more and less attention to; as well as the area of interest of participant.

Some of the metrics:

- Time to First Fixation = Time for the AOI (Area of Interest) is seen in the first time
- Total Visit Duration = Total time that AOI is observed
- Fixation Count = Amount of visual fixation of an AOI
- Percentage Fixated = percentage of participants who look at the AOI